Frequently Asked Questions

About Espino

Espino is a registered company in US, You can find our company in the list under the registered file number: 4165852 or search company name : ESPINO LLC Click here for check

Our initial fund to start the project without your investment is 2 million dollars, so our team does not need to balance the site. Espino Company will expand its field of activities with your investment, which will lead to increased profitability for you and the company. As a result, if the site balance is even negative, the project will continue to work because Espino Company is not a Ponzi project and is completely an investment company and the site balance will not determine the life of Espino site.

Our vision for the Espino project is 13 to 15 years.

You need a valid email to become a member. Click here to register. After registration, a verification link will be sent to you. If the link is not in your inbox, please check your spam.

The only help users can make for the project is NOT to invest in Perfect Money currency. Because converting this currency to other currencies has a relatively high fee and cost for our company, the best currency you can choose to invest in is Tether TRC20.

Deposit Questions

Minimum Deposit varies from plan to plan. Please feel free to login and check invest page for more details of each plan.

Benefits varies from plan to plan. Please feel free to login and check invest page for more details of each plan.

Tether TRC20 deposits require at least 5 blockchain confirmations before they are then added to your balance account.

We accept only Tether (TRC20).

Withdraw Questions

Profits are credited into the account every 30 calendar days.

The Minimum amount for withdrawal for TRC20 is $1 . There is no maximum limit for withdrawal.

We do not process withdrawals instantly. It takes 30 minutes to 3 working days

There is no withdrawal fee

Other Questions

Yes, Market conditions affect the interest paid.

Yes, sometimes the market conditions do not allow us to withdraw money from the trade.

To get a referral Commission, you need to be an active investor. To do this, you need to invest a minimum deposit.